An Operator with property in the Marcellus Shale in West Virginia hydraulically fractured a well using the plug and perf method, setting 23 composite frac plugs over 6,664 ft. of horizontal section.
The Operator called upon the Tempress Engineering team to model the wellbore using its proprietary HydroPull Performance Planning Software and predict whether friction would play a dominant factor during the plug millout process. Based on the results of the analysis, the BHA was designed to incorporate the HydroPull™ tool run with a Baker X-treme™ motor and 5-blade junk mill dressed with Glyphaloy™.
The well was entered under pressure using a stand-alone snubbing unit and the composite frac plugs were milled without incident and in a single run from 7,150 ft. to 13,814 ft. MD. The job was completed in two days with an average plug milling time of 10 minutes.
The Operator was extremely pleased with the performance of the Tempress HydroPull and was quoted, “Tempress tools greatly help reach out without having to rotate! Great application!”
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